Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Lower Back Stretches - A Method To Improve Posture

By Eric Normand

If you are experiencing pain in your body or your muscles, there is a good chance that poor posture is to blame! Slouching in chairs, slouching when we stand and generally living in a way that keeps our muscles tight is something that is easy to get into, and after a while, we are simply not aware of it.

If you have noticed that your body is in bad shape thanks to the posture that you are dealing with, you will find that short of scoliosis, there are definitely ways to treat it. When you want to work on your posture, treat it like a skill that needs practice. You are essentially overcoming a lifetime of bad habits when it comes to the way that you walk and sit. Take a moment to learn the patterns that will allow you to live a more healthy life; taking care of your posture means that you are taking care of your lower back and the muscles and bones there and there is a much smaller chance that you will need to deal with injuries to the area later in life.

When you are thinking about goo posture, do remember that there is more to it than simply sitting and standing correctly. Your muscles need to be thoroughly stretched and doing this can be something that is quite new for you. When you stretch, you will release toxins that have built up in tense muscles, and you will also help your flexibility, allowing you to be more graceful as well. Stretches should be simple exercises that feel very natural and you will find that when you are think about good posture, they are essential! Take a moment to consider how you can learn to stretch well.

Consider how much strain your lower back is under. This is the area that will support your back whether you are standing or sitting and you will find that if you slouch, you are putting it under even more pressure. When you slouch, the muscles of your lower back are very tight and the result can be small twinges of pain that will only grow over time. Remember that even sitting down will result in vertical and horizontal pressure on your back and spine that will only get worse over time.

Since much of our time is spent sitting or standing, postural inefficiencies drastically effect the lower back. Experimentally slouching may not feel painful right away, but maintaining that position for hours and days at a time will introduce tension into parts of the body not designed for it. This tension translates into pain which is often treated not by addressing the poor posture, but by taking a painkiller.

When you are looking at your spine, remember that you are looking at more than twenty four bones that are working together to give you the flexibility that you need. The flexibility can work against you though, because the tension at your lower back can pull your vertebrate out of true over time. When you have a misaligned vertebrate, this is something that can make your life much more unpleasant.

If you want to fix a misaligned vertebrate or if you want to reduce the chances of getting one in the first place, make sure that you work towards increasing the flexibility of your back and spine. Stretching can take care of this white nicely, and you will discover that stretching the muscles of the back will keep them loose and in doing this, will help you prevent injury to the area as a whole.

Lower back stretches need not be painful. Many are simple and enjoyable. They can be done standing up, thus requiring less space. You might even make them a part of regular breaks at the office.

If you are thinking about getting fit, remember that you should consider how much stretching your fitness regimen has. To make sure that you have posture that will not result in pain, make sure that you look to your spinal integrity. Given the fact that hundreds of the muscles in our body are located near the spine, you have to to take care of them!

Not only will you experience less pain when you stretch, you will find that there are a number of other advantages as well. Think about how good your posture will look and how much more confident you are going to be. Being able to keep your back straight when you are thinking about moving forward and getting the right kind of reaction is essential, and you can feel your self-confidence spiral up when you do it. Looking for good lower back stretches can be good for your posture and for your attitude!

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